Last week Megan spoke to you all about our goals, both within the business and personally.
This week we thought we would take some time to share with you what we hope you achieve with us.
Start Thinking
I know it seems too obvious, but that is all we would like you to start doing.
Just start thinking…
But don’t just think about nothing.
We would like you to think what it means, for you now and for the future to lead a simple, sustainable and meaningful life. Remember, this is not a race you do not need to have an answer straight away and it does require some real thought – it’s not as easy as deciding want you would like to eat for breakfast.
Also for most, it’s not just singular – do you have a partner? Children? A family? Then you will need to think about what it means for you and discuss this with your loved ones and find some time to learn what it means for them.
Once you have thought about it quantify it – say it out loud, write it down – make sure YOU understand what you mean by a simple, sustainable and meaningful lifestyle.
Steps Forwards
After identifying what a simple, sustainable and meaningful lifestyle is for yourself start to think again.
Do you have areas that need work? Can you identify problem areas that are holding you back? What steps can you take to move forward towards a more meaningful life?
And most importantly start taking these steps in your own life on your journey to a simple, sustainable and meaningful life.
Share With Us
We would also love to hear your stories as you discover what is important to you and your journey to them.
Also there will be opportunities for you to share your story here with us and to join, our growing community, through feedback and discussion groups.
Most of all we look forward to your feedback on our journeys and to share with us your ideas and suggestions on leading a simple, sustainable and meaningful life.
My Personal Targets for 2014/15
Now, like Megan last week I will share with you a few of my personal targets for the coming year.
I have decided to set myself some general targets and a few specific ones at this point of time in my journey towards a simple, sustainable and meaningful life, as I am still determining what this means to me.
This is after all a journey and we are never, hopefully set in ours ways and as we grow and learn we need to change and review our targets. What follows are some of the goals I am setting for myself;
Reduce the energy I waste on worrying about things that continue to be out of my control and to accept things that have happened and to not waste time dwelling on them.
Re-direct my energy into activities I enjoy, like this journey.
To take time for myself, learn to say “no” and stop apologizing – I have recently realised that I am a bit of a push over!
To get myself fit again – everyone has decided at one point or another that the couch looks better than getting up and doing something and this has been myself over the past year. Its time I started to get back some of that energy I have lost to eating too much chocolate 🙂
Reconnect with the enjoyment I have when I bake – I shall hopefully share some of my time in the kitchen with you all.
And finally the one I am very excited about – start planning my wedding!
What are your targets for the year? Have you thought about setting yourself some goals?
What do you hope to achieve and learn with us on your own personal journey towards a simple, sustainable and meaningful life?
The first step forward is to start thinking about what is meaningful to you and if you are focusing energy towards what is meaningful to you. If not then why, and does something need to change?
Please share with us your targets for 2014/15.