Post #200 – a reflection on My Chronic Life Journey to date


Thank you all!

I wanted to take the time today to say thank you to all of you; those of you who have been following from the start and those of you who have just started following me here.

This blog started as a place for me to share my progress with my illness (at the time undiagnosed) with my family and friends who were interested but I didn’t see much. It has grown into so much more!

With the support and input of many of you, we have begun the process of setting up a campaign to help raise awareness of chronic illnesses that don’t have visible symptoms. The Foggy Frog picture book, which many of you helped fund, is on it’s way to being published either later this year or early next year. Once it is published we’ll begin promoting and considering what the next phase of this campaign will be. One thing I do know is that the campaign will be being run through LiveKen, a business we’ve established for this campaign and to help people discover how to live simple, sustainable and meaningful lifestyles.

Together we have defined what it means to be mentally strong when living with a chronic illness.

11 tips Mental HealthYou have been with me as I have been diagnosed, first with Pelvic Congestion Syndrome then Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS, and while I’ve been experimenting with different treatment options.

Looking back I can see that I have improved a little, and we have achieved a lot, in less than 12 months. For example, I am now able to do some basic housework and cooking and have been exercising daily. Both things I would not have been able to do when I first began this blog from my couch.

So, THANK YOU, to each and every one of you who have been a part of this journey and please continue following and sharing with me both here and over at LiveKen as we continue on our journey and discover how to live a life that is meaningful and fulfilling with multiple chronic illnesses.