The year is going by so fast and we’re now a quarter of the way through it! I’m still working on slowing down and finding a pace that allows me to feel balanced and unstressed. By doing this I’m hoping to find a way to continue my slow upwards progression with my health and avoid any major crashes. Today though I’m focusing on Share Your World…
Share Your World – Week 13
Are you left or right handed?
I’m a Leftie… and yes, I’ve heard most the jokes there are in relation to this.
If you had only one TV, would you prefer the TV in the living room or another room?
Because we have a projector rather than a TV, I’d prefer to have a separate ‘movie room’ with no windows to keep it dark inside. It would also help us to not necessarily eat meals in front of the TV as we do now, giving us more time to connect.
At the moment we have the projector in the living room and a small TV in the bedroom.
Have you ever participated in a distance walking, swimming, running, or biking event? Tell your story.
I’ve participated in a few events before getting sick including runs up to 12 km (there’s a local city to bay run that occurs annually), Relay for Life (a 24 hour walkathon for cancer), a 24 hour swimathon for the MS Society where we took turns doing laps as part of a team, and several rogaines (the longest being 12 hours).
None of these events have a particular story to share. I enjoy being active when my health allows it and prefer slow long stints than sprints.
Complete this sentence: Love is… truely being there for one another. Being patient, kind and caring, honest, supportive and tolerant of each others’ differences.
Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?
I’m grateful for the time I got to spend with my sister, T, and with E over the Easter long weekend. I’m grateful for my slowly improving health, which is now at a point I can participate in more social activities and start adding walks and rides back into my routine.
In the next week, I’m looking forward to completing a draft for the biodiversity trail project I’ve been working. It always feels great when I can cross something large off my to-do list.