I’ve mentioned many times about trying to maintain some form of routine and pacing as a way of managing my health. Now it’s something I need to refocus on.
I’ve got goals and dreams that I want to achieve within the next few years, and in order to do them I need to be as healthy as I can be. As I’ve previously mentioned, over the last few months I’ve begun adding work back into my life and this has thrown the routine I had set for myself out the window.
Why is it so important for you to have some form of routine?
In order to maintain a lower level of pain and more energy I’ve found the only thing that even works a little is pacing myself. Without routine it’s hard for me to keep my step count consistent and to actually motivate myself on my crash days.
I want to increase my step count back up to where I was before I crashed around Christmas last year (an average step count of 7,000). To do this I’m slowly raising what my minimum step count is for crash days. Over the last 3-4 months I’ve raised my minimum step count from less than 2,000 to 3,500. I’m raising in 500 step intervals every few weeks.
But what about the things that happen in life? You can’t plan everything!
No, you can’t but you can set yourself up so that you have some reserve for the unexpected while still maintaining a general routine on a day to day/week on week basis.
What’s your plan?
At this stage I’m still formulating a new plan for pacing and setting a routine that is flexible enough but I think it will look something like this…
8 – 8:30 am
Do some deep breathing, get up and do a short yoga sun salutation
8:30 – 9:30 am
Shower or bath (pain relief technique) and get dressed, rest if necessary
9:30 – 10 am
10 am – 12 pm
High energy work/housework/appointments with regular rest breaks
(no longer than 1 hour activity at a time without a break)
12 – 1 pm
1 – 3 pm
Lower energy work/housework/appointments with regular rest breaks
(no longer than 1 hour activity at a time without a break)
3 – 5 pm
REST (tv or nap depending on energy levels)
5 – 7 pm
Make and eat dinner
7 – 9 pm
9 – 9:30 pm
Pelvic Stretches, prepare for bed
10 pm
It’ll take me a while to build up to this (especially the getting up and going to bed at a regular time) but it’s important to me to push myself without going past my limitations.
Have you ever tried to set yourself a routine? How successful was it?