Since having little A, I’ve been struggling once again to find balance.
Yes, I’ve had more energy than I had before having her. I’ve coped a lot better with my pain levels because she’s such a great distraction tool. BUT I have struggled to put much of that new-found energy towards anything other than spending time with her.
Over the last couple of months, I’ve begun to try and put some energy back into work. Little A is over a year old now and I want to get back into some regular writing schedule for the blog and get out doing more workshops. It’s still a big struggle to find balance between little A, resting for my health, and working.
To find a bit more balance I’ve started leaving little A with her grandparents regularly to give me time to do some work. However, I’ve found that on the days that I’m doing that I’ve lost my rest breaks during the day. I usually rest when little A rests. If I’m heading out working and she’s resting with her grandparents I don’t get my rest time.
What am I going to do to find balance?
To start with I’m going to take the rest of this year to step back and observe what is working for me and what isn’t. As I do these longer stints away from little A, I will consider what I can change to make the times work better for me. I need to find a way to ensure I’m taking a rest still when I’m away from her.
As we move into the silly season around Christmas and New Year I don’t think I want to take on any new work. Instead I’ll begin to cultivate and renew my networks. This will hopefully bring in more work in the new year. I’ll reach out to contacts within the local councils to see if anyone would be interested in the workshops I’ve developed and if anyone has any other topics they’d like to see developed.
I’m also going to spend more time writing offline. Hopefully this will get it clearer in my head where I want to focus. Right now, I feel like I’ve got 100 things going on at once and I feel pulled in too many directions.
Do I want to focus on life with chronic illness?
Maybe not, I’m feeling I need a break from this space for a while. The Foggy Frog book is still available but I don’t feel motivated to progress that further right now.
Do I want to focus on Sustainable Living?
YES, this is the direction my attention seems to be pulling me lately.
How can I focus on Sustainable Living?
What can I offer that others don’t already do, or what can I do better?
How can I keep a balance between being there for my family, looking after my health and working to make a living and make a difference in the world?
I’d like to narrow it down to a couple of major work specific projects for the new year. Right now, I still feel stretched thin.
Do you feel like you’ve got balance in your life?
How have you decided where to focus your attention?
If you’re interested in a more sustainable lifestyle, how could I help you?
Sending hugs &. Love as I do not have an answer as well. Struggling every day. Is not a life.