We’re halfway through the year, so I thought I’d do another Taking Stock as well as answering the Share Your World questions. In fact, given that the 4th question in Share Your World is a ‘Currently List’, they fit together well.
Taking Stock – June 2016
The concept is really simple, a snapshot of where you are, who you are spending time with, how you are feeling and much more. To create it just add a sentence or two next to each category below…
You can check out my March Taking Stock here.
Making : The print-ready files for the Foggy Frog and the Pain Gang picture book. We’re finally close to publishing and launching the book!
Cooking : Sourdough bread. I’m baking regularly, at least once a week.
Drinking : Water.
Reading: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (illustrated edition).
Wanting: A pain-free day… not something I can see happening soon, but I’d love one!
Looking: At different book covers to finalise the Foggy Frog cover design.
Playing: Board and card games with E.
Deciding: What my plans are for the next financial year (today is the last day of the financial year here in Australia).
Wishing: I had a clearer head so I could focus better.
Enjoying: The nice weather today (Tuesday – I wrote this post early this week). The sun’s out and it’s not too cold.
Waiting: For the results of the Foggy Frog cover design. Kickstarter backers have the chance to vote on 3 different options. Taking their comments into consideration I’ll be creating the final cover.
Liking: Freshly squeezed orange juice and freshly baked bread.
Wondering: When I should officially launch the book.
Loving: Spending time with family and friends.
Pondering: What to do for dinner tonight.
Considering: Whether to make myself a cup of tea.
Buying: ISBN’s for the Foggy Frog and the Pain Gang picture book.
Watching: Some new (to me) UK show on ABC iView, Breathless. It’s not really my sort of show so far, but I’m giving it at least this episode before I decide.
Hoping: E has time to play another game with me this weekend.
Marvelling: At how fast my friend’s children are growing up.
Cringing: At having to repeatedly read the same line before I actually make sense of what I’m reading.
Needing: A nap. I’m reaching my limits for today.
Questioning: Who to actually vote for in the elections. I’m not really impressed with any of the politicians.
Smelling: Lollies. I needed some sugar to keep going today.
Wearing: Trackies and a long sleeved top.
Following: What’s going on in the election campaign.
Noticing: The cats curled up in front of the fire.
Knowing: My friend Jan will be coming to visit soon. 🙂
Thinking: About what to make for dinner tonight.
Admiring: the sun shining off the plants in the front garden.
Sorting: My sewing/spare room. It’s a bit of a mess again so I need to rearrange and clear again!
Getting: more and more excited about the progress with the Foggy Frog book (you’re probably seeing a theme here).
Bookmarking: The Facebook Page I’ve set up for the Foggy Frog and the Pain Gang picture book.
Coveting: Some sort of baking mat so that I can avoid using so much alfoil when we’re cooking.
Disliking: How my joints ache in this cold weather.
Opening: The mail from yesterday.
Giggling: At some of the silly promotional brochures being sent out by the political parties.
Feeling: Flustered and achey.
Snacking: Nuts and dried fruit.
Helping: Plan the AAEE 2016 Biennial Conference.
Hearing: The postie going by.
Share Your World – Week 26
What’s your most memorable (good or bad) airplane flight?
I haven’t had many flights and none have been that memorable. If I had to choose one it’s a toss up between my first ever flight, a trip to the Gold Coast for a St John Cadets National First Aid Competition when I was about 15, and my first overseas trip, New Zealand, with E about 10 years ago.
How many bones, if any, have you broken?
None as an adult, as a child I broke my elbow.
If you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be? (guest can be dead, alive, famous or someone you just know)
My show would align with my blog and business, focusing on living a simple, sustainable and meaningful life with or without a chronic illness. I’d probably choose the following to be my first three guests:
- David Attenborough. I’ve always looked up to him and what he has been able to achieve in his life.
- Jennifer Brea. She’s been able to do so much even though she lives with severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.
- My mum. She’s always had a good perspective on life.
Make a Currently List: What are you reading, watching, listening to, eating, needing, wanting, and missing right now?
See above
Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?
I’m grateful for acupuncture which takes away most of my pain (for a little while at least).
In the next week, I’m looking forward to just seeing what happens. I don’t have many set plans yet for the week!
Thanks so much for sharing this week. I like reading all your answers. 😀
Congratulations on the progress on Foggy Frog! With pain and fatigue, getting anything done is such a huge compliment. I haven’t been making any progress on my goals lately. I look forward to the launch of Foggy Frog!
Thanks Trisha! I should be getting the proof of the book today sometime. Very excited to be finally seeing a physical copy.