Wow, a long list of questions this week from Cee for Share Your World… Let’s see how I go 🙂
Share Your World – Week 6
- What is your favorite word? I struggled with this one, but finally settled with ‘Dream’. It’s important to have dreams and to work towards them.
- What is your least favorite word? Again, a struggle… Let’s go with ‘Busy’… It’s a word I’m working to remove from my vocabulary at the moment with the help of Courtney Carver’s Busy Boycott Challenge.
- What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Creatively – discussions and helping others, spiritually and emotionally – meditation, yoga, writing, and remembering my values.
- What turns you off? Negative tension – I’m fairly sensitive to how others are feeling and I often struggle when people are being silent to deal with them.
- What is your favorite curse word? Sugar… Or at least, that’s the one I use the most… I don’t really swear much.
- What sound or noise do you love? A cat purring, a baby (almost all their noises – no, crying doesn’t seem to turn me off)
- What sound or noise do you hate? Hate is a harsh word, but I definitely struggle with the sounds of chalk on blackboards, fingers moving over foam, and many other similar noises. They hurt my teeth and give me a headache.
- What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? I’m quite happy at the moment, but I have considered midwifery in the past…
- What profession would you not like to do? I no longer would want to do a profession that required working full time (or more than full time) as I feel that would impact on my health too much.
- If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Welcome.
Bonus question: Â What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?
I’m grateful for all my friends and family. I know this is similar to previous weeks but I really am grateful that they make the effort to spend time with me. I also learnt over the weekend that, even when I haven’t seem them in quite a while, they have kept me in their thoughts as much as I have kept them in mine.
I’m looking forward to spending more time with friends tomorrow, and finishing to set up our spare room as a day room for me (progress photos below).
Your turn! Let’s see if you can answer at least one of the questions above in the comment section.