I’ve joined the Sisterhood…

Thank you so much to Paint the World with Words for nominating me for “The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award”.


The rules for this award are very simple:

Provide a link to and thank the blogger who nominated you for this award.
Answer ten questions.
Nominate 10-12 blogs that you find a joy to read.
Provide links to these nominated blogs and kindly let the recipients know they have been nominated.
Include the award logo within your blog post.

The Questions (and my answers):

Your favourite colour …. Blue… I guess (as I previously said I don’t really have a favourite colour but I do have a lot of blue things)
Your favourite animal .… I love animals in general, I did have an obsession with chimpanzees when I was younger
Your favourite non-alcoholic drink …. Sparkling Water
Facebook or Twitter – Have both (linked)
Your favourite pattern ….. stripes
Do you prefer getting or giving presents? Giving
Your favourite number … 6
Your favourite day of the week … Saturday
Your favourite flower …. Tulips
What is your passion? ….. Living sustainably and being out in nature

The most important task is to nominate bloggers for this award!

So here are my nominations:

  1. Jenn (My Fibrotastic Life)
  2. Leslie (Just another F-Bomb)
  3. Celeste (Baking, Butter, & Happiness)
  4. Trisha (Notes from the Fog)
  5. Julie (The Nocturnal Laundress)
  6. Claire (Living Being Doing with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
  7. Jess (noonegetsflowersforchronicpain)
  8. Jan (The Snail of Happiness)
  9. Toni (The Girl in Yoga Pants)
  10. Barbara (Me, My Magnificent Self)