Treatment for Low Testosterone in Women…

I have low Testosterone levels… It’s not something you normally hear about in women.

Before I get started on today’s post, I hope everyone has had a wonderful Easter weekend.

We spent it in the bush camping helping friends set a rogaine for later this year. Most days I hung around the campsite, with a short walk with T during the day while the others were on long hikes setting check points. I did join them on Sunday when half the points were only short walks from the car, this was another big day like the rogaine the previous weekend but I did make sure that I rested a lot as well by staying at the car and meditating while the others went on longer walks.

Over the weekend I had a lot of time to think and reflect on how things have been going lately.

I’m still working on finding balance in my life but have realised that having a set routine doesn’t work for me. Instead pacing, and continually reassessing and adjusting to create balance over a longer time period instead of trying to balance activity within any given day.

I’m feeling very positive about my progress. As I mentioned last week, I’ve had a few full on days lately (think double my daily average step count without many rest breaks) but haven’t had any major crashes. I have had a few single crash days but have been back to ‘bad’ by the next day.

I’m attributing at least part of this improvement to the nortriptyline I started taking about a month ago, and I’m hopeful that the testosterone cream I started on the weekend will improve things further.

I’ve started the testosterone because my free (available) testosterone levels in my blood stream were almost non-existent. This could explain several of my symptoms including the fatigue, sleep issues and an increased risk of bone loss (I’ve been diagnosed with Osteopenia – the step before Osteoporosis and the doctors haven’t found a reason for the continued bone loss after stopping the Depo Provera over a year ago). It can also cause low libido.

There are side effects I have to be aware of including increased hair growth in the area I apply the cream, lowering of my voice, and acne. Because the side effects can take a while to appear and too much testosterone can have even greater impacts on my health, I need to have a follow up blood test in 3 weeks to check whether the dosage is correct and see if my blood levels of free testosterone are back in the mid-high normal range. The benefits of the testosterone cream (in particular increased energy) should also become visible in the next 2-3 weeks.

Have you ever had your hormone levels tested?

If you’re female, have you ever tried hormonal replacement (in particular testosterone)?


  1. It’s great you’ve been able to do so much without a major crash. That sounds like very good progress.

    I did have my hormones tested, at least once. Mine just showed slightly low progesterone. Did your doctor say what would cause low testosterone in females? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that happening. Of course most of our doctors won’t check hormone levels. I had mine done through a naturopath. It could be that it’s very common and just doesn’t get diagnosed.

    • Thanks Trisha, sorry for the slow reply!
      There are several reasons for a woman to have low testosterone but none of them appear to be relevant for me.
      The reasons I was told of were:
      – being on hormonal birth control containing estrogen,
      – being pregnant, or
      – liver failure.
      I’m not sure how often it happens. Females have their highest level of testosterone at around 20 years old and it drops from then. Maybe I just started off with less at the beginning?

      • Maybe so. I wonder too if it could be from the ME? I’ve read that our whole endocrine system can get out of whack. For me, within a year and a half of having mono, I developed polycystic ovarian syndrome and my hormones were all crazy for many long years. Whatever the cause, I hope the treatment helps you get some energy back.

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