Wisdom Wednesday: Love Letter to Myself

(c) Megan S, December 2013
(c) Megan S, December 2013

The following letter was written in response to seeing this video from SoulPancake on Facebook:



Dear Megan,

I know right now we are going through an extremely difficult time and at times things can get a little overwhelming. Just remember that no matter what happens I am always here for you.

We’ve made a decision that next year (I wrote this last month) is going to be focused on us. Working out exactly who we want to be and how to get there.

This major blip in our health will need to go up at some point. Never lose hope in finding a better life. We may never be free of pain and fatigue again but we can learn to live a meaningful and fulfilling life that minimises the impact it has on us.

Remember we have a wonderful support system around us. E will always be there for us. There may be times (like now) where our wishes don’t line up with what he believes is right for us but that doesn’t mean we should give up on those dreams.

You are an intellegen, beautiful, courageous woman and you know what is right for you. No one else really knows what you are capable of, so please don’t doubt yourself. We need to learn to stand up for what we believe in and speak our mind openly. If we don’t others will always believe we aren’t capable.

I love that even through these last few scary months, where we haven’t known what’s going on and we still don’t know what the future may hold for us, you have remained strong and positive. Yes, you’ve had your moments of doubt and depression but overall you have stayed upright and pushed forward into this new way of life. Embracing the challenges and exploring the opportunities this illness has provided.

You may not realise it, but you are amazing. You are an inspiration to yourself and others who are facing their own problems.

Never forget that you are capable and you can achieve your dreams.

Let’s make 2014 the year that we move forward and start to make our dreams reality.

Life will always throw up challenges, all we can do is decide how we are going to face them. Keep on facing your challenges with calmness, poisitivity and acceptance.

I love you, never forget it.





Photo (c) J. Sanderson, November 2011
Photo (c) J. Sanderson, November 2011

Have you ever written a love letter to yourself?

What would you say to yourself?